Driving License – The Examination (3)

Once the learning is complete, the driving school arranges for examination with the authorities. The examination is in two parts, one computer test and then driving test.
Once the date is arranged for, you make payment of 700CZK at the Magistrat office, Kounicova 67 , Brno-Stred. Carry the receipt on the date of computer test. The computer test is conducted on 4th floor at Sumvaska 35, Brno-Stred. If you need an English translator then you would need to pay 2000CZK to the translator.

Once the details are verified of payment and resident card and passport and the form from the driving school, the computer test begins. This test is in two parts. First part is identifying shapes, objects, numbers, alphabets in midst of colour arrangements. Once this part is cleared, you would be able to take the main test. The total marks for this second part test is 50 and 42 is the cut-off/clearing mark.
If you have followed the instructor during driving and read through the manual provided by driving school then it is fairly easy. The reading manual is also available online/offline.
The result of the test is available once you click on submit. The green light indicates that you have passed the test.

Now that you have cleared the computer test, you are qualified to take the on-road driving test. You would assemble at Sumavska 35 along with your instructor. The examiner would verify the details and you proceed to the parking lot from where the test begins.
The initial part of questions about the vehicle. You would have to explain the internals inside the bonnet, the different lights, the mandatory equipment’s that should be there in the vehicle. There could be some additional questions too.
Then you get into the vehicle and start the driving. From the time you sit inside everything is monitored. Mirror’s adjustments, switching on of lights, usage of indicators… The examiner would then give directions on where to proceed, like turn left, turn right, follow the main road, park the car behind, park next to, follow directions to city. Be attentive to the examiner and also to the other vehicles on the road and to the sign boards on the road. It is important to maintain speed limit and also change gears when required.
The duration of this test could vary, normally it is around 20mins – 25mins. If the examiner considers you as “dangerous” on the road you would be asked to stop immediately.

One tip is, if you are tensed the probability to make errors is higher.
Like the examiner told me, “If the examiner is happy you can be happy”!

One thought on “Driving License – The Examination (3)

  1. Pingback: Driving License – The final process (4) – Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen

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